
Webloop Infotech's Joomla! development team has the capability to develop simple to massive web applications.
• Joomla leads the way in the content management as it suits the need of a large array of professionals alike
• Our Joomla! developers are blessed to play with this CMS framework's with the prominent features
• We design and develop every inch of your website, from content addition, modules and component development

Joomla Open Source Services & Solutions

Webloop Infotech offers Joomla! Web Services to their clients around the world. We have gained a vast amount of knowledge in working with more Joomla! projects. Our professionals are highly experienced and well equipped in Joomla! Website Installation & Deployment and plug-ins installations. With the custom built implementations, we are more familiar in developing bespoke modules, components, templates and plug-ins.

Webloop Infotech is specialized in customizing and integrating any Joomla components and modules. Joomla! is available in different versions; our developers are familiar in working in any versions.

Joomla Programming Skills

• Custom Joomla Template design
• Custom Joomla plugins, module & component development
• Maintenance work in Joomla portals
• Integrating E-commerce/Online Shopping Cart; VirtueMart, osCommerce
• Payment gateway integrations; RBS World pay, Authorize.Net
• Joomla-based platform for building social networking sites using JomSocial & Community builder

Joomla Development Platforms

• Improved directory structure
• Slimmed down codebase
• flexibility improvements and bug fixes
• Dependency management with Composer
• Easy Joomla configuration with environment specific files
• Environment variables with Dotenv
• Database migrations using Phinx
• CLI extension installer with Joomlatools Composer

Joomla Technologies

Joomla is an open source platform on which Web sites and applications can be
created. It is a content management system (CMS) which connects your site to
a MySQLi, MySQL, or PostgreSQL database in order to make content
management and delivery easier on both the site manager and visitor.
Joomla is a completely free open source solution available to anyone and
everyone with a desire to build dynamic and robust sites for a variety of

Joomla has a number of advantages over many of its competitors. In addition to being a full-featured CMS, it is easy to learn, quick to set up, and inexpensive.

There are few bills the Joomla project needs to pay to keep up and running, and everyone that contributes to its development does so out of a passion for creating something that truly meets the needs of sites both large and small.

Joomla is open source, and that means no surprises will pop up once you have started your site. Every part of the Joomla platform is open for you to inspect and even modify to meet your site's individual needs.

Let's talk

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Please don't hesitate to get in touch

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+91 9897634106
+91 9650434909

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